Full Arch Dental Implant Protheses

Full Arch Treatment Options:

In many cases, there is more than one treatment option for you to consider. After a detailed analysis, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages
of each prosthetic treatment opton.

There are several full arch treatment options. These include a screw-retained fixed esthetic bridge, a cement-retained fixed esthetic bridge, an attachment (clip or snap) retained removable denture and a screw-retained fixed denture prosthesis.  If you are presently wearing a denture, you may want an opinion on one of these types of prostheses.


The Full Arch Screw-Retained Porcelain implant bridge is a highly esthetic and functional prosthesis. It is secured to the dental implants by small hidden screws. This prosthesis usually replaces the immediate transitional or temporary acrylic prosthesis after a healing period of four to six months. Porcelain teeth and “gum tissues” are sculpted and baked over a special framework. In addition, prostheses are also being fabricated utilizing high strength CAD/CAM ceramics such as solid Zirconia.


The Implant Supported Overdenture is often an excellent lower cost alternative to a fixed implant bridge. It is highly esthetic and very stable in the mouth. It has the advantage of being removable for daily oral hygiene.